Countdown to the perfect resignation
When you finally land that offer you really wanted, it’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of the new job and take your eye off the old one. But the manner of your leaving matters, to you and your employers – here’s how to do it right…
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Six signs it could be time to change jobs
Your interests and goals naturally change over time, but how do you know if you’re ready to think about a change of job? Here are a few indicators that it might be time for you to make your move.
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Top 5 : salary tips
As much as we all look for job satisfaction, most workers agree that money is the real reason they get out of bed and go to work each day. These tips will help you get paid what you deserve and make the most of the money you earn:
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Job switch checklist
You’ve decided to make a move, so what are you waiting for? Even before you land your first interview, there are loads of things you can be doing to help you prepare for a change of jobs.
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Six tips to optimize your resume
With the start of a new year, it is unofficially the beginning of job hunt season. Is your resume ready to stand out against the competition?
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Land your dream job before the end of the year
You’ve been applying to jobs consistently for the past few weeks but now that the holidays are approaching, you’re thinking of taking a break. Think again.
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Finding the right company cultural fit
When interviewing with a new company, everyone knows to review the role, the benefits and the salary. However, many candidates don't think to evaluate the culture of the company during the interview process.
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How to build a resume targeted for a start-up
Start-ups are taking over the hiring landscape, never more so than in tech hotbeds like New York and San Francisco. If your goal is to work for a new tech company, there are several steps you can take to make your resume more start-up friendly.
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